World acclaimed artist Corben. This enchanting visual epic will be ranked among the great classics.
Jeremy Brood and his mate Char get a new assignment. They land on the planet called Eden. Brood sneaks out in the dark and visits in village near by. Villagers think Brood is the savior, the outworlder, from the sky they are waiting. Brood suppoused to save a sacrificed virgin and after that make love with her, because all Edenites are sterile. When Jeremy returns to ship he confronts the destruction two villians, Crude and Hardy left. And the sky was filled with winged enemies of village. Jeremy returns to village and fights against winged monsters
In the mid '70s to early '80s, Richard Corben's work as an illustrator and painter caught many people's attention with its ultra-vivid realism, marked by intense colors and well-drawn, fully-modeled human figures.
This 1989 edition combines two previous publications, Jeremy Brood: Relativity (1982) and its follow-up Fantagor Presents Brood (1983), into a single seamless tale. It's in color, the kind of color that pushed the state of the printing art in the early 1980s. Corben is said to have pushed the color printing technology of his time
Jan Strnad and Rich Corben make an excellent team. Corben's artwork is top-notch as always, and Strnad's storytelling keeps your interest.
small corner dent, see pic.
Collector's Item An EXTREMELY RARE item!!