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All new manga comic book anthology series.
HARD TO FIND COLLECTORS ITEM FEATURING GIGANTOR AKA TETSUJIN 28. Also features the incredibly sexy bikini clad warrior AMAZON GAZONGA and the futuristic scifi action of the ARMORED ROAD POLICE.
A timeless anime tale of a boy and his giant robot.
For old Japanese animation fans is the return of Gigantor, the giant robot created by the Japanese at the end of World War II, but which is used in the year 2000 by a young boy to stop crooks and terrorists.
Jason Waltrip’s (Robotech II: The Sentinels) Amazon Gazonga, the story of a nubile young Amazon and Andu, the hapless young man she captured on her first “manhunt.” It’s a sexy comedy piece, with Andu dealing with his not-altogether-terrible captor, as well as her dastardly Amazon rival, Devia.
Next is Armored Road Police from Tim Eldred, a futuristic saga of the police who patrol the mass transit systems of L.A. using daring and high-tech armored vehicles.
This item was not available for sale in any mass market retail outlet and could only be found in comic book specialty stores.