Published by NOW COMICS in 1991
The Lunar Avenger and the Crimson Crimebuster, two super heroes from the 1930s Crime Patrol team, have suddenly come out of retirement and appeared on the Ghostbusters’ doorstep. With the Crimebuster in the hospital, The Avenger tells them about the return of their old foe, Fu Fang, who has teamed up with Caldoni’s ghost mob. They’ve been discreetly taking over the city under the Ghostbusters’ noses. The Ghostbusters decide to help and take the turf war to Caldoni under the guise of a rival mob. But even when the mob is taken care of, they still have to deal with Fu Fang!
The movie “Ghostbusters,” starring Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Rick Moranis, and others was one of the most enjoyable films of the early 1980s. The Ghostbusters were a team of parapsychologists who decided to form the astral equivalent of an exterminator service. If your house, castle, or office building was haunted, a call to the Ghostbusters would quickly solve the problem. The team of Ray, Egon, Peter, and Winston would come to your place of haunting, then use energy weapons to force the ghost into a sort of high-tech rat trap. They then disposed of the ghosts in a special energy vault at Ghostbuster HQ.
Inevitably the film was made into a cartoon series. “The Real Ghostbusters,” also adding new member, “Slimer,” a pudgy ghost. This comedy/adventure series had a respectable run, and was eventually adapted again into this comic title.
This comic book was never available to the mass market and was only sold in comic book specialty shops.