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ROGER RABBIT #1 Comic Book.
Vintage Hard to Find Collector's Item First Issue!
The film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” was a monumental success for Disney. This remarkable movie deftly combined a live-action detective thriller on the same screen with animated cartoon characters. In 1990, Disney comics followed up the film with a new Roger Rabbit comic book series.
Ever since Eddie Valiant made a name for himself as a detective, by capturing Judge Doom in the movie, he has been too busy to help Roger in the many adventures for the comic series. In the first issue, Eddie paired Roger up with an old friend, Rick Flint. Together, the odd twosome go on one wacky adventure after another.
Most of the characters from the film find their way into the series. Among them, the reader will find Jessica Rabbit, Roger’s sexy wife; Benny the Cab; Baby Herman; and many, many more.
Published by Disney Comics in 1990.
RARE and OUT OF PRINT! Impossible to find!