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COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Highly sought after.
RARE and OUT OF PRINT! Impossible to find!
These items were never available in any mass market retail outlet and could only be purchased in comic book specialty stores!
In the mid-1980s, “ThunderCats” was a very popular animated series about a group of cat-people—Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Wilykat, and Wilykit—who fought the evil forces of the sinister Mumm-Ra.
THUNDERCATS return in this all new series! For Fans of Lion-O and his team. Find out what happened beyond the final episode of the original television series.
A new take on the 'Cats by the hot creative team of Fiona Avery (Tomb Raider, Witchblade) and Carlos D'Anda (ROBOTECH, BRASS)! The Berserkers, once defeated by the Thundercats, have returned, and they want vengeance! They capture Thundercats ally Hachiman, the powerful Samurai warrior, and hold him for ransom. But when the Thundercats get involved, it turns out that this is exactly what Hammerhand, leader of the Berserkers, was hoping for!
Lion-O has been captured, and it's up to the rest of the Thundercats to rescue him! As they race through the Eternal Forest, they discover that all the stories about the magical forest are indeed true. Will they make it out of the forest alive? Who will save Lion-O?
This is the extremely rare issue, published by DC/WILDSTORM COMICS.