Spectrum 12: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art [HARDCOVER]
The increasing popularity of fantasy and science fiction themes in art is celebrated in the annual Spectrum series. The premier venue for such art, each lavishly illustrated volume is an invaluable resource, eagerly awaited by art directors, illustrators, and readers alike. Drawn from books, comics, magazines, art galleries, advertisements, and portfolios, the collection represents a who’s who in fantasy today. With a wider reach than any previous edition, Spectrum 12 features 350 works by artists from Germany, England, the Netherlands, Korea, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, and the United States. Divided into seven categories, including one devoted to comics and another to graphic novels, the illustrations expand the boundaries of the imagination and explore new realms of creativity. Among the artists included are Justin K. Sweet, Brad Holland, Greg Ruth, Lawrence Northey, Arthur Suydam, and H. R. Giger. A handy index provides contact information for each artist.
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Underwood Books (October 27, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1887424954
ISBN-13: 978-1887424950
Jon Foster
Irene Gallo
Anita Kunz
Karen Palinko
David Stevenson
William Stout
H.R. Giger
Gold Award: Brom
Silver Award: Justin Sweet
Gold Award: Brad Holland
Silver Award: Paul Bonner
Gold Award: Greg Ruth
Silver Award: Mike Huddleston
Gold Award: Lawrence Northey
Silver Award: Ryan K. Peterson
Gold Award: Thomas L. Fluharty
Silver Award: Shaun Tan
Gold Award: Arthur Suydam
Silver Award: Dave DeVries
Gold Award: Travis A. Louie
Silver Award: Matt Gaser
Drigz Abrot
Arthur Adams
Silvio Aebischer
Jason Alexander
Christian Alzmann
Ian Ameling
Scott Anderson
Pat Andrea
Andrew S. Arconti
Matthew S. Armstrong
Patrick Arrasmith
Chantale Arsenault
Daren Bader
Bryn Barnard
Simon Bartram
David von Bassewitz
Emmanuel Bastid
Andrew Bawidamann
Wes Benscoter
Linda Bergkvist
Richard Bernal
Edward Binkley
Paul Bonner
David Bowers
Eric Bowman
Christopher Brindley
Dennis Brown
Hunter Brown
Tim Holter Bruckner
Claus Brusen
Will Bullas
Ciruelo Cabral
Robert Carter
Matt Cavotta
Harvey Chan
Frank Cho
David Christiana
Sally Wern Comport
Ray-Mel Cornelius
Dave Cortés
Greg Couch
Gordon Crabb
Kinuko Y. Craft
Raúl Cruz
Ian Daniels
Spencer Davis
Tony DeBartolis
Hubert de Lartigue
Cam de Leon
Eric Deschamps
Peter de Sève
Brian Despain
Joe DeVito
Dave DeVries
John "JD" Dickenson
Vincent Di Fate
Leo & Diane Dillon
Tony DiTerlizzi
David Dorman
Dan dos Santos
Son Duong
Jesper Ejsing
Craig Elliot
Mark Elliot
Tristan Elwell
Cory & Catska Ench
Jeff Faerber
Jason Felix
Joseph Daniel Fiedler
Steve Firchow
Scott M. Fischer
Marc Fishman
Thomas Fluharty
Eric Fortune
Peter Forystek
Victoria Francés
Linda Joyce Franks
Gary L. Freeman
Juan Manuel Fuentes del Ama
Marc Gabbana
Randy Gallegos
Fred Gambino
Matt Gaser
Armel Gaulme
Jeremy Geddes
David Gentry
Sandrine Gestin
Donato Giancola
Gary Gianni
E.M. Gist
Eduardo Gonzalez
Mark Goodrich
Thane Gorek
Melvyn Grant
Sam Greenwell
Griesbach / Martucci
Gris Grimley
Elio Guevara
James Gurney
Scott Gustafson
Pamelina H
Nathan Hale
August Hall
Nils Hamm
Randy Hand
Paul Harding
John Harris
Jeff Haynie
Beric Henderson
Dan L. Henderson
Richard Hescox
Paul Hess
David Ho
Brad Holland
Chris Hopkins
Greg Horn
John Howe
Philip Howe
Carlos Huante
Mike Huddleston
Matt Hughes
Jeremy Jarvis
James Jean
Bruce Jensen
Katherine Jones
Eric Joyner
Joe Jusko
Michael William Kaluta
Montgomery S. Kane
Charles Keegan
Jim & Ruth Keegan
Steven Kenny
Cody Kenworthy
Tom Kidd
Michael Knapp
Viktor Koen
Michael Komarck
Thomas S. Kuebler
Anita Kunz
Joe Lacey
Richard Laurent
Lewis Lavoie
Fabrice Lavollay
Virginia Lee
Victor Leshyk
Gary A. Lippincott
Sandra Little
Todd Lockwood
Angela Giovanna Loroux
Travis Louie
Howard Lyon
Gia Manh Luc
Don Maitz
Gregory Manchess
Stephan Martiniere
John Matson
Jonathan Matthews
Aaron McBride
Chris McGrath
Dave McKean
Petar Meseldzija
Ken Meyer, Jr.
Ron Miller
Rene Milot
Matthew Mitchell
Christopher Moeller
Lee Moyer
Daniel Lopez Munuz
Vince Natale
Jim Nelson
Mark A. Nelson
Greg Newbold
Hoang Nguyen
Terese Nielsen
Dennis Nolan
Lawrence Northey
William O'Connor
Kip Omolade
Glen Orbik
John Jude Palencar
Joel Parod
Brandon Peterson
Ryan K. Peterson
John Picacio
John Pierro
Stephen Player
R.K. Post
Eric Powell
Leah Palmer Preiss
Rick Price
Dave Pressler
Steve Purcell
Tifenn Python
Tariq Raheem
Omar Rayyan
Red Nose Studio
David Renn
Adam Rex
Owen Richardson
José Roosevelt
Alex Ross
Luis Royo
João P.A. Ruas
Steve Rude
Robh Ruppel
Greg Ruth
Richard Sardinha
Peter Scanlan
Oliver Richard Scholl
Dan Seagrave
Dave Seeley
Dave Sheppard
Erik Siador
Christian Slade
Douglas Smith
Jeff Soto
Greg Spalenka
Lothar W. Speer
Chris Spollen
Greg Staples
Matt Stewart
William Stout
Philip Straub
Jon Sullivan
Arthur Suydam
Raymond Swanland
Greg Swearingen
Justin Sweet
Sym 7
Shaun Tan
Néstor Taylor
Alejandro Terán
Thomas Thiemeyer
Keith Thompson
Michael R. Todd
Tomislav Torjanac
Ray Toh
Yoshihito Tomobe
Chris Trevas
Francis Tsai
Juda Tverski
Christophe Vacher
Cyril Van der Haegen
Nate Van Dyke
John Van Fleet
Farzad Varahramyan
Ronny Vardy
Joe Vaux
Marco Ventura
Charles Vess
Roxana Villa
Jesse Vital
Raoul Vitale
Anthony S. Waters
Jonathan Wayshak
Michael Whelan
Eric Wilkerson
Kent Williams
Matt Wilson
Janet Woolley
Stephen Youll
Chris Young
Oleg Zatler
Shawn Ye Zhongyi
Mark Zug