MARVEL COMIC BOOK starring African American Hispanic Spider-Man!
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What will become of Captain America? Where have all the X-Men gone? And what is up with the new Spider-Man suit? Don't miss one of the most talked about Ultimate events ever.
From USA Today
Half-black, half-Hispanic Spider-Man revealed
We have an African-American president, so why not an African-American Spider-Man, too?
Revealed in Marvel Comics' Ultimate Fallout Issue 4, out Wednesday, the new Spider-Man in the Ultimate universe is a half-black, half-Hispanic teen named Miles Morales. He takes over the gig held by Peter Parker, who was killed in Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 160 in June.
In his first appearance, he simply breaks up a fight. But readers will learn the true origin of Morales and how he became the new Spider-Man when Ultimate Spider-Man relaunches in September with a new No. 1 issue.
"The theme is the same: With great power comes great responsibility," says writer Brian Michael Bendis. "He's going to learn that. Then he has to figure out what that means."
Morales' journey will be a similar vehicle for today's fans, says Marvel's editor in chief, Axel Alonso.
"What you have is a Spider-Man for the 21st century who's reflective of our culture and diversity. We think that readers will fall in love with Miles Morales the same way they fell in love with Peter Parker."
In addition to an alliterative name, Miles has a connection to his predecessor in how he received his powers. But he will have different abilities, too. Supporting characters such as Peter's Aunt May and Gwen Stacy also will give Miles nuggets of wisdom to help his transition from young kid to New York City superhero.