Published in 1988 by the indie comic book company Blackthorne, this has an EXTREMELY LOW PRINT RUN because this was a period where very little in the way of Star Wars product was still being produced.
Star Wars 3-D is an unusual and long-forgotten title. Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the release of Star Wars, it was one of the few titles published in the United States outside the offices of Marvel or Dark Horse.
Undoubtedly the reason it went to Blackthorne in the first place was because they had built experience publishing in 3-D prior to obtaining their limited Star Wars license. Lucas, as his recent efforts to convert the existing movies into 3-D attests, was likely fascinated by the prospect of doing something "special" for the anniversary. And so Star Wars went briefly to a minor publisher.
it stood alone for around 20 years as the only comic printed after the completion of the original trilogy which was set entirely between Episodes IV and V. Indeed, there are few novels which have been published in that period.
And its stories did attempt to add something new to the mythos. It rationally answered questions that were largely ignored by the trilogy:
• Who got the Lars farm on Tatooine after Luke?
• Following the destruction of the first Death Star, did the Rebels really have time to build that base on Hoth all by themselves?
• And when, really, was the first time Luke did battle with Darth Vader?
The events in this comic take place after the rebels have set up their base on Hoth.
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are on a mission to Dantooine to secure supplies for their new base on the planet Hoth. Along with R2-D2, the group meet up with an Ortolan Merchant to buy weapons. As Leia negotiates the deal, Luke is accosted by a group of thugs who lead him away from the meeting. The leader of the group of thugs orders his subordinate Abel and several other thugs to lead Luke to the roof for reasons unknown. When they arrive, Luke surprises the band with his quickness and slays them with his lightsaber. After the encounter, Luke begins to hear a voice beckoning him to follow deeper into the building. Luke eventually discovers the voices, a race of Force-sensitive people that call themselves the Fairfolk. Unknown to Luke, the Fairfolk are working for Darth Vader to trap potentially dangerous Force-sensitives.