fantasy epic of Marc Bati and Jean "Moebius" Giraud, ends the story arc. A bumbling wizard released an evil entity, the Dark Star, into a world of elves, trolls, and dragons; secret techno-observers, monitoring the planet's evolution on behalf of an advanced galactic civilization, were attacked by the Dark Star's minions and lead observer Lorcan was forced to flee with his elven sidekick Altor and the mysterious girl Aurelys. Lorcan was captured by the Dark Star while Aurelys transported herself, Altor, and the burrower Kran to safety on the mystic Unicorn Island.
In this volume Aurelys, now understanding her ability to awaken the power of the mystic crystals that form the planet's defense grid, takes her companions on a quest to complete her task, falling into wizard HQ where she finds the bumbling wizard. While the top wizards launch a showdown against the Dark Star, Aurelys and her companions pursue their own ideas. Once in the Dark Star's castle they are contacted by Lorcan, who has escaped and found the Dark Star's captured crystals. Unable to act directly, Lorcan advises the companions on how to deal with the Dark Star's secret, and Aurelys' true nature is revealed.
Highly sought after.
RARE and OUT OF PRINT! Impossible to find!
This item was never sold in any mass market retail outlets. It was only available to purchase through comic book specialty shops.