Tuesday, August 28, 2012


BATMAN SECRET FILES AND ORIGINS #1. COLLECTORS EDITION COMIC BOOK. Batman, who started as a lone, obsessed vigilante seeking to avenge his parent’s deaths, has accumulated a vast collection of allies, villains, and paraphernalia in his long career. After such a length of time, it becomes necessary to decide what has an official sanction and what is best left forgotten. To that end, DC has published a series of Secret Files titles to delineate and stipulate the facts about their most enduring characters. The stories in Batman Secret Files range from a powerful character study, detailing Batman’s origin and motivation, to a small vignette that explains how Batman finances all of his marvelous equipment. A clever element in these titles is an interview with a central character as if it were a feature in a slick magazine. Both Bruce Wayne and Alfred are “interviewed” and the resulting “articles” are fun and enlightening. Also featured is a timeline that presents significant events in Batman’s history. Full Color lavish art on high quality glossy paper stock! Man Behind the Bat: Alfred Pennyworth Speaks An All-New Origin Story The Waynes: The First Family of Gotham City Who Is Batman? An Exclusive Psychological Profile Plus Inside Info on Batman's Allies Going Underground: Guided Tour... An EXTREMELY RARE item!! This item was not available in any mass market retail outlet and could only be found in comic book specialty stores.