Wednesday, September 19, 2012


MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS VINTAGE COMIC BOOK the ORIGINAL POWER RANGERS Comic Book that were published by Marvel Comics in the nineties! In the early 1990s, Japanese company Saban Entertainment introduced The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to American audiences. Children went crazy over the new super-hero team. The Rangers were so popular that they unseated the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the reigning leaders of children’s heroes. Of course, a comic book series soon followed. In 1995, Marvel’s rendition of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was released. The series reintroduced the heroes from Angel City: Billy, the Blue Ranger; Trini, the Yellow Ranger; Kimberly, the Pink Ranger; Zack, the Black Ranger; and Jason, the Red Ranger. They continually fight their hopelessly hokey arch enemies, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zed, along with their army of putty warriors—yes, putty warriors. It’s campy in the extreme, but the concept proved a winner, combining elements of King Arthur, big dinosaurs, kung fu, and Transformers-like machines. COLLECTOR'S ITEMS! Highly sought after. "Playing Dirty!" Written by Fabian Nicieza. Art by Ron Lim and Mark McKenna. Can the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers withstand the nigh unstoppable attack of the Scrubb Monster?! Then in "A Simple Misunderstanding!" Written by Frank Lovece. Art by Steve Ditko. When the Power Rangers make a benefit appearance at a local charity, Baboo and Squatt, two of Zedd's flunkies, show up to cause trouble. 32 pages