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Written by MARK MILLAR, acclaimed writer of Ultimate X-Men, Wanted (now a major motion picture), Spiderman, Wolverine, The Fantastic Four and Kick Ass.
One of Mark Millar's very first published comics! His first job as a comic book writer came when he was still in high school, writing Trident's Saviour with Daniel Vallely providing art. Saviour proved to be one of Trident Comics' most popular titles. It provided a mix of postmodernist storytelling, religion, satire and superhero action Millar later became known for.
Showing that he was already ahead of his time, many of these comics Millar wrote for Trident contain ideas and concepts that would later resurface in his more mainstream superhero work for DC Comics, Marvel Comics and his creator owned Millarworld titles.
The story revolved around the second coming of Jesus Christ as a superhero who looked like popular British television personality Jonathan Ross. This superhero, called The Saviour, has set out to change the world for the better. However we find out The Saviour is actually the antichrist and plans to take over the world with the aid of a satanic cult devoted to him. The only thing which could stop him is the presence of the real Son of God and much of the story involves The Saviour's attempts to track his foe down.
Here’s the tale of the apocalypse but with a slight super-hero slant to it. The bold use of ink keeps the mood dark and foreboding. Moreover, the super-hero featured here is none other than the Anti-Christ himself!
Posing as a crusader of hope, the son of the devil makes good use of a cape and twentieth century technology. Video captures his “heroic” missions and his “good will” messages. But what the media and the rest of the world don’t know about this Saviour is that in between the rescues and the enterprises, he takes short sabbaticals to churches and kills priests!
Meanwhile, the true protagonist is present—but hardly in the guise of the Good Lamb ready to fight the last battle. Rather, he is a drifter sorely troubled over mankind’s eagerness to take a path that will lead to self-destruction, and he wanders the streets of the modern world somewhat aimlessly—in a deep state of melancholy and doubt, as if he were still within the walls of Gethsemane.
Surely, writer Mark Millar’s earliest work in the comics medium stirred up plenty of controversy. Millar explored the late 1980s culture in ways not seen in comics and Saviour can be seen as a comment on those times.
Millar reworked the concept in 2004 as the three-issue mini-series, Chosen for Dark Horse Comics, published as a trade paperback under the name American Jesus by Image.
Published by Trident in 1990.