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Everything you need to know about America's Elite! This is a copy of the actual handbook used by the Central Data Desk support staff inside G.I.Joe headquarters! This encyclopedic one-shot contains an updated profile for each of the Joes and Cobras that are starring in the revamped G.I.JOE title!
Featuring the most up to date biographies and data on all your favourite GI Joe and Cobra operatives! Also includes an illustrated cross-section/blueprints of the GI Joe's latest headquarters, "The Rock".
Proclaiming itself as “everything you need to know about America’s elite,” this handbook offers profiles of the various active members, enemies, and equipment of the G.I. Joe team “written” by the head of the team, General Joseph R. Colton, who happens to be the original G.I. Joe. Featuring illustrations by Nelson Blake II, Tim Seeley, and Don Figueroa, this handbook gives biographies and information on military specialties, training, and skills for characters like Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Duke, Shipwreck, the Baroness, Destro, and Cobra Commander.
Entries for the following characters:
Joseph Colton, Duke, Flint, Roadblock, Scarlett, Shipwreck, Snake Eyes, Stalker, Storm Shadow, Hawk, Lady Jaye, Baroness, Cobra Commander, Destro, Dr. Mindbender, Dreadnoks (Ripper, Torch, Thrasher, Zanya, Buzzer, Road Pig, Zarana, Zandar), Firefly, Major Bludd, Alexander McCullen, Mistress Armada, Red Shadows (Wilder Vaughn, Dela Eden, Artur Kulik), Scrap Iron, Tomax and Xamot, Wild Weasel, Vance Wingfield, Wraith, Zartan
Schematic of The Rock, the team's base
Listing of Reserve G.I.Joe Members
This is the extremely rare item, published in 2005 by Devil's Due Publishing.
COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Highly sought after. Featuring FULL COLOR lavish artwork printed on high quality glossy paper.
RARE and OUT OF PRINT! Impossible to find!